Saturday, June 30, 2007

Beau Jocque

Every now and then a new song will catch your ear at the right time and make you love music all over again. At my age you begin to stay in the safe, old reliable taste in everything, including music. I compare new songs to old songs and new singers to old singers. Then came Beau Jocque and the Zydeco Hi-Rollers. It's like finding that great restaurant that nobody else knows about, or the great fishing spot nobody else has discovered.

Beau Jocque has fans all over the world and his music is still played everywhere, but you still feel like its your own discovery because his popularity was not on the "pop idol" scale. Most music lovers don't even know what Zydeco music is. Older people still looking for something "kick-ass feel good" or young people wanting to have something original..get some Beau Jocque music.

1 comment:

mister anchovy said...

thanks for pointing me to your site. I linked to it from my blog. cheers.